Activities for a seminar in Agen - Lot et Garonne

The best entertainment for your event in the heart of the South-West!

We offer your employees unforgettable moments based on 100% modular systems!

We'll organize your Segway ® activity, for a ride or a tour on the site of your choice. You choose the number of participants, the theme, the day and the duration of your event. Our activities can also be easily integrated with other events (Ko Lanto, Olympiads, etc.) and workshops of your choice, such as a workshop on a CSR day!

Corporate events, seminars, incentives, team building: opt for a fun, green and original activity.

With our activities, you're sure to create unforgettable memories for your staff, partners and customers. Our activities are accessible to all (including non-sports enthusiasts) and give the whole group a "smile"! And for groups of 8 or more, we can offer you an activity combining the use of gyropods and all-terrain electric scooters. At the halfway point, you can switch from one machine to the other, and enjoy a different driving experience and sensations with two different EDPMs!

Don't hesitate to contact us with your requirements... we're sure to have YOUR solution, covering the whole of the South-West of France.

incentive mobilboard

Would you like to run a CSR day?

If there's one field of activity that 's particularly concerned by clean energy and its associated benefits, it's the leisure industry. The Segway ® is certainly the forerunner in this field, but today there are many quiet, non-polluting, reliable and economical leisure machines, so if a Segway ® gyropod activity isn't enough for you, we've got another idea:

opt for our "E-Day"!

With our specialist partners, spend half a day or a whole day (or more) dedicated to soft mobility, combining different activities with electric machines: Segway gyropods , electric fat trotters, electric-assist bikes and E-foils around and on Lac de Clarens in Casteljaloux. Sensations guaranteed in a natural setting!

As a partner of various seminar venues in the Lac de Clarens area, we can also help you set up a complete group solution including accommodation, catering and meeting rooms, to make the most of your E-Day seminar.

Animations groupes
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Dispositif CIRCUIT

Formule ultra-flexible dans la durée, l'espace nécessaire et le nombre de participants simultanés !
Sur le lieu de votre choix, ce dispositif se décline sous forme de "baptême" ou de "gymkhana" pour challenger vos équipes ! Partout dans tout le sud-ouest et même en intérieur !


Whether in the countryside or in the city, our rides offer a unique experience in complete safety. We'll take you anywhere in the South West of France!
groupes seminaires


3h = 3 ateliers différents
avec gyropodes, trottinettes cross et visite dégustation chez des vignerons locaux indépendants (Buzet ou Leognan)

Dispositif E-DAY

Une journée entière dédié à la mobilité douce en pleine nature !
Au programme gyropode, trotinette cross, overboard, skatecross, mais aussi e-foil sur le lac de Clarens à Casteljaloux, plus bien d'autres possibilités d'activités ...